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  Time-saving tips Linux users should know

As a programmer or system administrator, we have more chances of working on *nix platforms. It's tough experience when first start use *nix as we need to face a black screen without knowing what's behind it. Now, if we can have some resources to rely on, then we will find the beautify of *nix. They are fast, efficient and most importantly sexy. Below are some great tips for helping Linux users get used to Linux. This list is a bit long. So be patient. To get more information on a command mention...

   Linux,Tips     2013-09-03 22:30:48

  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  Advantages and disadvantages of GoLang

GoLang is a strong typed language which means it is less flexible than interpreted languages by nature. But Go provides Any type(interface) and Reflect mechanism which make the language very close to interpreted languages on flexibility. More and more people start to learn GoLang. This post is mainly for listing down some of the advantages and disadvantages of GoLang. Advantages Performance(Machine code) GoLang is a compilation language which can be compiled to machine code and the compiled bina...


  JavaScript's Two Zeros

JavaScript has two zeros: -0 and +0. This post explains why that is and where it matters in practice. The signed zero Numbers always need to be encoded to be stored digitally. Why do some encodings have two zeros? As an example, let’s look at encoding integers as 4-digit binary numbers, via the sign-and-magnitude method. There, one uses one bit for the sign (0 if positive, 1 if negative) and the remaining bits for the magnitude (absolute value). Therefore, -2 and +2 are encoded as f...

   JavaScript,zeros     2012-03-24 05:21:49

  The Book That Every Programmer Should Read

No, it’s not Knuth’s “The Art of Programming”. I’m talking about quite an easy-to-read (compared to TAoP) book, which, in fact, does not require any engineering or mathematical background from the reader.I am talking about C. Petzold’s “CODE”. It is a truly remarkable book about how computers work. Let me explain why I think this book is so awesome.The book starts from the very beginning, from explaining what code is, bringi...

   Programmer,Book,Must read,CODE,C. Petzold     2011-10-31 10:43:58

  You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  Install Kubernetes with minikube and docker on Ubuntu

When someone just wants to play around Kubernetes on its local environment without accessing to Cloud provider resources, one can set Kubernetes up on local environment with minikube with single node mode. This post will provide a simple guideline on how to set up KUbernetes with minikube and docker on Ubuntu. Before all the steps can be started, you may need to first set up kubectl which is a command line tool to operate on Kubernetes resources. Post that, can ensure that docker is installed on...

   KUBERNETES,MINIKUBE,DOCKER,UBUNTU     2021-06-01 05:37:40

  High performance web apps with C++

It is Christmas over here, and it is time of giving. So I decided to give something back to the community. I guess this is as old as web programming itself. Trying to create C++ web framework. If you search on the web, you can find dozen of guys that had exactly the same idea. I am not different. For one of the previous projects(discontinued now) I created simple web framework in C++. If you like to hack in C++, here it is. Code is provided as-is, as part of larger application. You can ex...

   C++,Web apps,Web framework     2012-01-08 10:06:48

  Language Complexity?

Some languages are complex, others are simple … right?  C++ versus just about anything else is a good example here.  But, it begs the question: what makes a language complex? So, I’ve just been reading Bruce Eckel’s Artima article on Scala.  It’s actually a nice article, and I enjoyed it.  But, one thing bugged me — and, it’s nicely summarised in this quote: But you can see from the code above that learning Scala should be a lot eas...

   Programming language,complexity     2011-06-15 02:16:05

  Maintain multiple versions of Go in one single environment

In a development environment, there might be multiple projects going on at the same time and they may require different development environments with different versions of build tool. In many programming languages, it is possible to have multiple versions of different build tool or development tool on a single environment. For example, there can be multiple JDKs, multiple versions of Ruby using RVM. For GoLang, there is a similar tool called GVM which can also be used to maintain multiple versio...

   GOLANG,GVM,GVM PKGSET,RVM     2019-11-10 00:43:47